3 Supplements That Can Help You Get The Most Out Of Your Workouts

This article is going to discuss 3 supplements that can help you get the most out of your workouts.  Pre-Workout  One thing that people generally tend to lack before a workout is energy. Because of this, pre-workouts were made to give you the burst of energy that you need to get a good workout in. The caffeine and other nutrients in a pre-workout puts your body in an elevated state that allows you to push harder than you would otherwise be able to. Read More 

Excerscise And Self Defense From Bullys: 2 Ideas For Your Kid

If your child is a bit out of a couch potato, and you want them to get some exercise, and you are also worried about them being physically picked on, then you should consider a self defense class. These classes will help them build confidence, get them off the couch and away from the video games, and also teach them how to defend themselves in the event some bully attacks them. Read More 

2 Tips For New Year’s Weight Loss Success

If you are like many people who have been battling excess weight for years, you likely make a new year's resolution to lose weight and even join a fitness center to help you stick to that resolution and then by February, are back to your "old habit" of eating unhealthy and not exercising. Don't get down on yourself for not sticking to past new year's resolutions, but instead, motivate yourself to finally stick to your new healthy ways this year and make it the last year you ever have to make a resolution to lose weight! Read More 

Resolving To Get Fit In 2017? 4 Exciting Fitness Classes To Reach Your Goals

Most people will make New Year's resolutions to lose weight, quit smoking, read more, and even work less, but following through on these goals can be challenging. Considering losing weight is the most common of New Year's resolutions, you may be joining this group of people who want to improve their health. Unfortunately, an estimated 73 percent of people who set fitness resolutions will fail. From boredom or a lack of time, not reaching your goals can be disappointing. Read More 

Your Body: Sizing Up Your Physique For A Tailored Workout And Better Health

When you step on the scale, the number that pops up typically evokes an emotional reaction. You may be satisfied because the number seems low enough, or you may be disappointed because the number is higher than you had hoped. Many people count calories, macros, or points as they eat throughout the day in an attempt to lose or maintain their weight, and they rely solely on a scale's proclamation to determine if they are heading in the right direction toward ideal health. Read More