2 Tips For New Year’s Weight Loss Success
If you are like many people who have been battling excess weight for years, you likely make a new year's resolution to lose weight and even join a fitness center to help you stick to that resolution and then by February, are back to your "old habit" of eating unhealthy and not exercising. Don't get down on yourself for not sticking to past new year's resolutions, but instead, motivate yourself to finally stick to your new healthy ways this year and make it the last year you ever have to make a resolution to lose weight!
Since losing weight is tough for almost everyone, read on to learn two tips for finally making this "the year" that you get in shape for good.
1. Write Down What Your Obstacles Were Last Year and Find Fixes
While many people make new year's resolutions to lose weight and don't stick to them, the reasons people don't follow through with their weight-loss plans vary. Take out a notebook and jot down every reason, or excuse, that went through your head when it was time to eat that next healthy meal, but you ate junk food, or time for that next workout that you ended up skipping.
For example, did you join a gym and then quickly realize that you didn't like going out in the cold on winter mornings to work out? This year, instead of joining a gym, consider purchasing a piece of affordable (used equipment is often in good shape and affordable) exercise equipment to use at home, such as a treadmill or elliptical machine.
Or did you feel like you were "doing everything right" but just not losing weight? While you may have been eating healthy foods, you may have just been eating too much of those healthy foods. Consider tracking your calorie intake this year to see how many calories you really are eating each day to make sure you aren't overindulging in those calorie-laden healthy foods, such as nuts and sugary fruit.
2. Visit a Physician Weight Loss Center for a Diet Plan Made For You
Since being overweight or obese carries medical risks, there are many physician weight loss centers all over the country with doctors and dietitians on staff who specialize in helping people lose weight and improve their health. Don't worry that they will force you to follow a diet plan you don't like; doctors know that there is no "one-size-fits-all" diet plan for every person who needs to lose weight.
When you visit a physician weight loss center, a staff member will speak to you to see what your fitness goals are and the obstacles you face daily that keep you from eating healthy and exercising. If you are already eating healthy and exercising, yet not losing weight, then they can help you pin-point the problem you may not realize is preventing your weight loss.
Once your weight loss doctor gets to know you and determines what a healthier weight would be for you, they will offer you several options to help you meet your goal. If you want to lose weight quickly, but without hunger, they can provide you with a special VLCD (very low calorie diet) plan that, while low in calories, is high in fiber and protein to keep you feeling full and high in nutrients to give you energy.
Your weight loss doctor may provide B-12 injections that can help you obtain the energy you need to hit the gym again, and some clinics offer prescription diet pills, such as phentermine, and/or HCG diet shots that dull your appetite.
You never have to take or eat anything your weight loss doctor offers; you can pick and choose the diet aids you think will help you and, when combined with exercise, lose all the weight you need to.
If you have made new year's resolutions to lose weight in the past, but never stuck to your diet plans and met your goals, then this year gives you a fresh start and, after you realize what stopped you from meeting your goal last year and/or seek help from a physician weight loss center, you can make this your healthiest year ever.